
About Me


I am a final year student of Computer Science at Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences, Pilani. I will be starting work at Google this summer. I love reading about and using coding to develop fun applications. I have a inclination towards Web/App development currently.

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ERPLAG: Toy-Compiler
January 2020 - April 2020
Github Repo

Designed a Compiler for the Toy-Programming language ERPLAG as part of the course Compiler Construction at BITS Pilani. The compiler compiles ERPLAG source code to NASM code for execution. This project was written by a group of three, including myself.

Character-level Convolutional Networks for Text Classification
April 2020 - May 2020
Github Repo

Implemented the paper "Character-level Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Classification" (Yann LeCun et al.) as a part of the course Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic at BITS Pilani. Applied a Character-level Convolutional Network to the AG News Dataset. The network was designed using the python library, PyTorch. Additionally, implemented a Word-Based Convolutional Neural Network (using PyTorch), for the purpose of comparing the efficiency of the Character-level CNN. This project was written by a group of three, including myself.

Dutch-English Translator
October 2019 - November 2019
Github Repo

Implemented a Cross Lingual Document Translator, using Statistical Machine Translation model. The statistical model, IBM Model 1, has been trained for alignment and translation. Performance metrics such as cosine similarity and Pearson’s correlation coefficient, have also been implemented in the translator. This project was done in a group of five,including myself, as a part of the course, Information Retrieval at BITS Pilani.

Array-Implementation of RAM
February 2019
Github Repo

Implemented RAM Memory in the form of an array, as a part of the course Data Structures and Algorithms at BITS Pilani.

To-Do List
May 2020
Github Repo

Created a To-Do List using HTML, CSS and VanillaJS, in order to learn basics of JavaScript and design. A user can add, cross-off, delete and rate their To-Do List tasks.

PowPuff: Mini-Video Game
June 2020
Github Repo

Designed a small video-game using the PyGame library of Python.